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Inconsistent Practices Reporting Program

What can I do if I witness forest practices that do not appear to be consistent with SFI Standards?

The Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) responds to allegations of practices that appear inconsistent with the SFI Standard principles and objectives. The Pennsylvania SIC’s Inconsistent Practices program establishes a procedure to address concerns raised by loggers, consulting foresters, employees, unions, stakeholders, the public or other SFI Certified Organizations regarding forest management that appears inconsistent with the SFI standards principles and objectives (SFI 2022 FM 14.3 & SFI 2022 FS 7.3). The Inconsistent Practices Program is a resource open to anyone and provides a venue for reporting and addressing these concerns. The program was established to foster a dialogue with the public on forest management and to facilitate the use of good forestry practices. All reports are handled confidentially by the Pennsylvania SIC. Reports may be filed by any person using the reporting form below (also available by contacting the PA SIC office); however, all reports must identify the report filer. No anonymous reports will be accepted. Reports may not be initiated by telephone.


Pennsylvania SIC Inconsistent Practices Reporting Form


The PA SIC is not an enforcement agency nor do we have the authority to mediate a complaint. The focus of this program is to address concerns so that responsible forestry can continue. Where a volation of law is suspected, individuals should report the incident directly to the appropiate regulatory authority.


SFI State Implementation CommitteeReport Inconsistent Practices
©2023 Pennsylvania SFI® Implementation Committee
Site by: J.E.G. Design, Inc.
PA SFI® • 211 Barrington Lane • Bellefonte, PA 16823
TOLL FREE: 888.734.9366 • Phone: 814.355.1010 • Fax: 814.355.1022 • Email