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Pennsylvania SFI Training Record Search Results

Your Last Name search for "McClure" found 1 results.
Click on a name for training record details.
Last Updated 04/19/2024
Name ID # Occupation City, State County Status/
Donald "Eric" McClure 2783 Logger - Owner Muncy, PA Lycoming 2024

This list may include individuals who do not offer timber harvesting services.

Individuals with a current training card expiration year have completed the core requirements of the PA SFI Professional Timber Harvester Training Program and have maintained their training card status by participating in continuing education. They are considered to be Trained/Qualified Logging Professionals.

Individuals with an expired training card year have previously completed the requirements to obtain a PA SFI training card, but have not maintained their training card status by participating in sufficient continuing education. Those that have been expired for more than 5 years are required to repeat the core training requirements in order to reinstate their card.

Individuals with an incomplete training card expiration year have not yet completed the core requirements of the PA SFI Professional Timber Harvester Training Program.

All training card expirations are for December 31st of the listed year. Official training records can be obtained by contacting the PA SFI office.

The PA SFI Training Program does not audit the work of those who participate in the program and therefore does not "certify" individuals who maintain a current PA SFI Training status. The Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) does not endorse the work of individual loggers or businesses but verifies that they have met the training standards described in the PA SFI Training Program Policy. Participants should refer to themselves as "PA SFI Trained/Qualified" and avoid representing themselves as being certified through the program.

SFI State Implementation CommitteeReport Inconsistent Practices
©2023 Pennsylvania SFI® Implementation Committee
Site by: J.E.G. Design, Inc.
PA SFI® • 211 Barrington Lane • Bellefonte, PA 16823
TOLL FREE: 888.734.9366 • Phone: 814.355.1010 • Fax: 814.355.1022 • Email